Editor Events

The on method can be called to install event handlers for various Web SDK editor events. When an event handler is installed, the function you provide as the handler will be called when the specified event occurs. When your code installs an event handler, the return value from the on method call will be a Javascript object that contains a single member - a function called remove. To uninstall your custom event handler call the remove function.

Clipboard Events

Event Name Description Handler Signature
getClipboardContent 1 This handler is called by the editor to request the current clipboard content from an external clipboard provider. function(<Result Callback>)
Where <Result Callback> is a function your app will call to provide clipboard content to the editor. Your code should call the result callback passing it one argument: a Javascript object composed as described in the setClipboardContent event.
setClipboardContent 1 The editor calls this handler to provide updated clipboard content to the external clipboard provider. function(<Clipboard Content Object>)
Where <Clipboard Content Object> is a hash containing these values:
type: 'shapes', 'image'
when type is 'shapes', an array of serialized SVG shapes.
when type is 'image', a string containing an image data URL.
width: when type is 'image', the width of the image in pixels.
height: when type is 'image', the height of the image in pixels.
copyDrawing 1 This handler is called by the editor when the user selects Copy to Clipboard in Manage tab of the toolbar, or Copy to Clipboard from the View Actions menu in the View tab. function(<View Key>)
Where <View Key> indicates the context in which the user activated the Copy to Clipboard command. If the command resulted from the user selecting the Copy to Clipboard button on the Manage tab, the View Key argument will be undefined. If the command was triggered by the user selecting the Copy to Clipboard command on the Active View menu on the View tab, the View Key argument will be the key of the active view, or undefined if "Diagram" is the active view. If you use this handler, make sure to set the copyDrawingEnabled Startup option to true.
The Web SDK editor provides an internal clipboard manager that implements standard clipboard operations such as cut, copy and paste. These operations occur within the editor and do not access or modify the system clipboard. To provide your own clipboard management, use the getClipboardContent, setClipboardContent and copyDrawing events and the clipboardContentChanged method.

						// example assumes editor is an initialized ESDWeb object

						editor.on('getClipboardContent', myClipboard.getContent);
						editor.on('setClipboardContent', myClipboard.setContent);
						editor.on('copyDrawing', myClipboard.copyDrawing);

						myClipboard.getContent = function(callback) {
							// called when user does a paste action
							var clipContent = {
								type: 'image',
								value: 'data:image/png;base64,...',
								width: 800,
								height: 600
						myClipboard.setContent = function(clipContent) {
							// This function is called when user does a cut or copy action. Add code
							// here to retain the values in the clipContent object.
						myClipboard.copyDrawing = function(viewKey) {
							// This function is called when the user chooses Copy Drawing on the toolbar's Manage
							// tab or in the View Actions menu on the toolbar's View tab. Your implementation
							// should export the diagram as an image and place the resulting image into your
							// clipboard manager.
					        var options = {
					            includePrefix: true,
           						viewKey: viewKey
       						editor.exportImage(options, function(image) {
								// add code here to retain the image in your clipboard manager
       						}, function(e) {
								// log/report the export failure

Command Events

Event Name Description Handler Signature
commandBegin This handler is called when an editor command is initiated. function(<commandName>)
commandEnable This handler is called when the editor state has changed and one or more commands should be enabled or disabled. function(<commandName String OR array of commandName Strings>, <Command State Boolean>)
commandEnd This handler is called when an editor command is completed. function(<commandName>)
As described here, the Web SDK editor implements a wide variety of editor commands. Most editor commands are related to editor actions initiated via the toolbar and right-click menus of the editor. The built-in toolbar and menus manage all command operations for you.

If you choose to disable the toolbar and provide your own toolbar experience, you will use the executeCommand method to issue editor commands, and the commandBegin, commandEnd and commandEnable events to ensure the visual state of your command UI elements corresponds to the current editor state. The commandBegin handler is called when a command is initiated and the commandEnd handler is called when the command is completed. For example, when the user begins drawing a street shape, the commandBegin handler is called and the first argument passed to it is 'draw_streetStraight'. When the street draw operation is complete, the commandEnd handler is called and the first argument passed to it is also 'draw_streetStraight'. The commandEnable handler will be called anytime a command should be enabled or disabled. commandEnable gives your application the opportunity to disable command buttons when their corresponding editor commands are unavailable, and to enable command buttons when their corresponding editor commands are available.

						// example assumes editor is an initialized ESDWeb object

						editor.on('commandEnable', myToolbar.commandEnable);
						editor.on('commandBegin', myToolbar.commandBegin);
						editor.on('commandEnd', myToolbar.commandEnd);

						myToolbar.commandEnable = function(commandInfo, enable) {
							// commandInfo will be a String or Array of Strings
							var cmdArray = Array.isArray(commandInfo) ? commandInfo : [commandInfo];

							cmdArray.forEach(function(commandName) {
								// enable/disable our zoom buttons as directed by the editor -
								// this assumes zoom buttons with IDs btnZoomIn, btnZoomOut, btnZoomToFit
								switch (cmd) {
								case 'zoomIn':		$('#btnZoomIn').disabled = !enable;		break;
								case 'zoomOut': 	$('#btnZoomOut').disabled = !enable;	break;
								case 'zoomToFit':	$('#btnZoomToFit').disabled = !enable;	break;

								// additional case statements here: for all other supported commands

						myToolbar.commandBegin = function(commandName) {
							if ('draw_streetStraight' === commandName) {
								// while the street is being drawn show the street toolbar button pressed
							// additional code here for all shapes whose draw operations are long running

						myToolbar.commandEnd = function(commandName) {
							if ('draw_streetStraight' === commandName) {
								// draw operation is complete so unpress the street toolbar button
							// additional code here for all shapes whose draw operations are long running

Map/Geolocation Events

Event Name Description Handler Signature
locationSet This event is raised when the map location is set. function(<location>)
Where <location> is a location object as described in the setLocation command.
mapOpacityChange This event is raised when the map opacity has been changed. function(<value>)
Where <value> is the new map opacity. This is a number between 0.0 and 1.0.
mapRemoved This event is raised when the map has been removed. function()
mapServiceChange This event is raised when the active service is changed. function(<label>, <index>)
Where <label> is the label of the map scheme, and <index> is the index of the newly active service into the list of map services. (see mapServicesUpdate below)
mapServicesUpdate This event is raised when map services are added or removed. function(<mapServices>)
Where <mapServices> is an array of objects of this form:
label: (string) map scheme label,
value: (string or number) value associated with this map scheme in order of creation or "None"
selected: (boolean) indicates if this map service is currently active.
hasConfigDialog: (boolean) indicates if this map service has a configuration dialog.
Note: the last service will have label and value both set to "None", and data will be null.
mapServiceUnavailable This event is raised when a diagram is loaded which includes a map, but the map service does not correspond to any currently available map service. function(<serviceLabel>)
Where <serviceLabel> is the name of the map service that was not found.
mapUpdateBegin This event is raised when the map has started to update. Map updates are generally long running events which may need UI updates to indicate progress. This should not be confused with the commandBegin event described above. function()
mapUpdateEnd This event is raised when the map has finished updating. This should not be confused with the commandEnd event described above. function(<error>)
Where <error> is an error message returned from the map scheme, or undefined if the update was successful.

Template Events

Event Name Description Handler Signature
getTemplateGroups This event is raised to retrieve all available template groups. function()

Returns a promise that resolves to a JSON string containing template group names. This JSON string has this form:
						"group name one",
						"group name two,
findTemplates This event is raised to retrieve the templates in a group. The event either returns all the templates in a group or all the templates in a group that match an optional search string. function(<groupName>, <search>)
Where <groupName> is a group name as returned by the getTemplateGroups event handler and <search> is an optional search string.

Returns a promise that resolves to a JSON string containing metadata about the templates in the specified group. This JSON string has this form:
							"id": <template ID>,
							"name": "<template name>",
							"description": "<template description>"
findAllTemplates This event is raised to retrieve all templates. The event either returns all the templates or all the templates that match an optional search string. function(<search>)
Where <search> is an optional search string.

Returns a promise that resolves to a JSON string containing metadata about the templates. This JSON string has this form:
							"id": <template ID>,
							"name": "<template name>",
							"description": "<template description>"
findTemplatesByLocation This event is raised to retrieve templates near a location. The event returns the templates near the specified location. function(<latitude>, <longitude>)
Where <latitude> and <longitude> specify the location for which templates are to be retrieved.

Returns a promise that resolves to a JSON string containing metadata about the templates. This JSON string has this form:
							"id": <template ID>,
							"name": "<template name>",
							"description": "<template description>"
getTemplate This event is raised to retrieve the SVG for a template. function(<id>)
Where <id> is a template ID as returned by the findTemplates event handler.

Returns a promise that resolves to the template; I.E., an SVG diagram string.
The handlers for each of these events returns a Dojo promise that resolves to the requested information. More info on Dojo promises is available here.

Each of these events is analogous to one of the template service REST requests that are described here.

						// 1) These examples assume editor is an initialized ESDWeb object
						// 2) The templateDatabase methods below are just example stubs.
						//    You will need to replace them with something that retrieves
						//    the data from your data store of choice.

						editor.on('getTemplateGroups', function() {
        					var deferred = new dojo.Deferred(),

							// Retrieve and return the template groups.
							result = templateDatabase.getGroups();
							setTimeout(function() {

							return deferred.promise;

						editor.on('findTemplates', function(groupName, searchString) {
        					var deferred = new dojo.Deferred(),

							// Retrieve and return a collection of matching templates.
							result = templateDatabase.getTemplates(groupName, searchString);
							setTimeout(function() {

							return deferred.promise;

						editor.on('getTemplate', function(templateID) {
        					var deferred = new dojo.Deferred(),

							// Retrieve and return the SVG for a template.
							result = templateDatabase.getTemplate(templateID);
							setTimeout(function() {

							return deferred.promise;

External Drag and Drop Events

Event Name Description Handler Signature
dragEnterEditor This event is fired when a dragged item enters the editor. function(evt)
Where evt is the DataTransfer DOM event object that holds the data that is being dragged during a drag and drop operation. The dragEnterEditor sets the effectAllowed and the dropEffect property to 'none'. Thus, no items are allowed to be dropped in the Editor.
dragOverEditor This event is fired when an item is being dragged over the editor. function(evt)
Where evt is the DataTransfer DOM event object that holds the data that is being dragged during a drag and drop operation. The dragOverEditor sets the effectAllowed and the dropEffect property to 'none'. Thus, no items are allowed to be dropped in the Editor.
dropOnEditor This event is fired when an item is dropped on the editor. function(evt)
Where evt is the DataTransfer DOM event object that holds the data that is being dragged during a drag and drop operation.
dragEnterCanvas This event is fired when a dragged item enters the diagram area. function(evt)
Where evt is the DataTransfer DOM event object that holds the data that is being dragged during a drag and drop operation. The dragEnterCanvas sets the dropEffect property to 'copy' so that the source item is copied into the diagram.
dragOverCanvas This event is fired when an item is being dragged over the diagram area. function(evt)
Where evt is the DataTransfer DOM event object that holds the data that is being dragged during a drag and drop operation. The dragOverCanvas sets the dropEffect property to 'copy' so that the source item is copied into the diagram.
dropOnCanvas This event is fired when an item is dropped on the diagram area. function(evt)
Where evt is the DataTransfer DOM event object that holds the data that is being dragged during a drag and drop operation. It may hold one or more data items, each of one or more data types, however, dropOnCanvas only processes the first file item.
It is possible for all drag and drop handlers to fire the default event.

						// This example assumes the proper handler has been installed properly.

						// Get the first file...
						file = evt.dataTransfer.files[0];
						// Fire the default event if not a valid file type...
						if( !isFileType(file) )  {
							return {doDefault: true};


Other Editor Events

Event Name Description Handler Signature
connect 1 This event is raised during editor startup. function(<Feature List>, <Success Callback>, <Error Callback>)
convertLegacyDiagram 1 The handler for this event is called when loading a text-encoded legacy ESD/SPD diagram. The default handler calls the Web SDK service to convert the diagram to the SVG format supported by the Web SDK editor. function(<Text Encoded Diagram>, <Success Callback>, <Error Callback>)
diagramDirty This event is raised when the diagram has been modified. function(<Diagram Dirty State Boolean>)
exception 1 This event is raised if an exception occurs in the Web SDK editor.

Note that when you register a handler for this event, your handler is responsible for all exception logging and reporting. I.E., registering an exception handler disables the built-in exception UI and exception logging mechanisms of the editor.
function(<Exception>, <Error Number>, <Summary Message>, <Detail Message>, <Log Only>)
  • Exception: The exception object.
  • Error Number: An optional numeric error code.
  • Summary Message: A summary message. If omitted, a generic message should be used.
  • Detail Message: More detailed message. If omitted, exception message should be used.
  • Log Only: When true, the exception will be logged but will not be delivered to the user using the standard exception reporting mechanism. The assumption is that when this parameter is true, the user will be informed in some other way. The default is false.
favoritesInitialize This handler is called during editor startup to provide the initial symbol favorites. function()
Returns a promise that resolves to a string of symbol favorites.
favoritesChange This event is raised when the user adds or removes a symbol from "favorites". The function argument is an array of objects describing the user's updated favorites list. Your application could respond by storing the favorites definition array in the user's profile data store. To set a user's favorites at editor startup, use the preferences property. function(<Favorites Definition Array>)
Where <Favorites Definition> is an array of objects - each describing a "favorite" symbol.
modalDialogBegin The handler for this event is called when a modal dialog is about to open. Examples of modal dialogs include the template selection dialog and the map Set Location dialog. function()
modalDialogEnd The handler is called when a modal dialog has closed. function()
selectionChanged This event is raised when one or more shapes have been selected or unselected in the editor. function(<selectedShapeCount>)
Where <selectedShapeCount> is the number of shapes currently selected.
selectTemplate 1 The handler for this event is called when the user chooses the "Start with a template" link. This link is displayed in the editor window when the diagram is empty. Install a handler for this event if you wish to implement your own template selection facility. function()
showAttachment This event is raised when the user selects "Show Attachment" from the context menu of a image, video, or document symbol that represents an attachment. Your app can respond by opening a viewer or editor for the attachment identified by the attachment ID provided in the function argument. function(<Attachment ID String>)
Where <Attachment ID> is the unique id of an existing image, video or document attachment.
viewAdded This event is raised when a view is added to the diagram. function(<viewState>)
Where <viewState> is the viewState object for the added view.
viewDeleted This event is raised when a view is deleted from the diagram. function(<viewState>)
Where <viewState> is the viewState object for the deleted view or undefined if the diagram was erased.
viewStateChange This event is raised when a view is modified. function(<viewState>)
Where <viewState> is the viewState object for the modified view.

Info Events

Event Name Description Handler Signature
showHelpVideos 1 This event is raised when the user asks to view product help videos. function()
showErrorLog 1 This event is raised when the user asks to view the error log. function()


1Only one handler for this event can be installed at any given time.