getAttachmentPositionsInExpImage Method


Returns the positions of attachment symbols in the current diagram within the bounds of an exported image.


.getAttachmentPositionsInExpImage(/* Object */ options)


options: Object

An object containing the option that were used to create the exported image. For more information, see the exportImage() method.



An array of objects that each contain the location of an attachment symbol within an exported image generated with the specified options.

Each of these objects is a hash of the form:

id — The unique string id of an attachment referenced by the attachment symbol.

label — The text label of the attachment referenced by the attachment symbol.

top — Top coordinate (Y) of the attachment symbol.

left — Left coordinate (X) of the attachment symbol.

bottom — Bottom coordinate (Y) of the attachment symbol.

right — Right coordinate (X) of the attachment symbol.

Note that all coordinates are in pixels relative to the top left corner of the exported image with positive values down and right.

Example 1 — Export a PNG Image and Get Attachment Locations

    This example assumes esdEditor is an initialized
    ESDWeb object and that a diagram is loaded

// Export the diagram as a png image.
var exportOptions = {
	format: 'image/png',
	margin: 10,
	width: 800,
	height: 600,
	includeFieldMeasurements: true

esdEditor.exportImage(exportOptions, onExport, onError);

function onExport(image) {
	// The export was successful...
	// The parameter "image" contains a 800 x 600 base 64
	// encoded PNG image of the diagram.
	// Any operations that depend on the exported image must
	// be done within the body of this callback function.

	// Get the attachment positions in the exported image. Note that we must use the same
	// options that were used to create the image.
	var attachmentPositions = esdEditor.getAttachmentPositionsInExpImage(exportOptions);

	// Both the image and the positions of attachment symbols in the image are now available.

function onError(error) {
	alert('Export failed: ' + error.message;