

Localization is the process of adapting software or content to a specific region or culture to make it more accessible and user-friendly for people who speak different languages or have different cultural preferences. This section provides information about support for localization in the Web SDK.

Locale Detection

By default, the Web SDK automatically determines the user's locale via the browser's language settings.

The user's locale can also be controlled through code. The locale can be set via the script tag that includes the diagram editor on your pages. The data-diagram-editor-locale attribute of the diagram editor <script> tag defines the locale to be used.

In this example, the language is set to Italian (it-IT) via the script tag:

<script src="http://www.example.com/static/DiagramEditor.js"
data-diagram-editor-locale="it-IT" ></script>

See the Integration Overview page for more detailed information about using the <script> tag.

Supported Locales

These are the locales currently supported by the Web SDK:

When the user's locale is not supported, the Web SDK attempts to use a supported locale instead: I.E., when the language portion of the user's locale matches that of a supported locale, then that locale will be used. When an appropriate supported locale is not available, US English (en-US) will be used.

If you are interested in support for a language that is not listed above, please contact sales for more information.

Showing Regional Symbols

Some symbols are only applicable to certain regions. To control the availability of regional symbols, you will need to exclude the symbol regions you do not want to show. This can be done by setting the excludedSymbolRegions attribute in the userSettings property. For more information on using regional symbols, contact support.

Localized Custom Templates

You can create and use custom templates that are locale-specific. Info about configuring the server to do this is available in the Server page. For more information on using custom templates, contact support.